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Souad Massi , is an Algerian singer bon in kabylie on the 23 rd of august 1972

she was raised in a modest   artistic family   whit whom she discovered in her early childhood

many music styles such as chaabi then American rock ,folk, pop, country and Portugal fado

souad, soon was initiated to some of instruments such as guitar because she was simply more

in love with the flamenco style than anything else

but unfortunately, souad could not go so far in her career after the beginning of what we call

black years where Algeria knew the terrorist attacks where thousands of innocent citizens died

Souad travelled at that time to France where she just decided to use her art to support women

oppression in the Arab world but before she left she finished her studies and worked as architect for

some time then   she was seen for her first time on scene with an Algerian hard- rock group Atakor

souad made some other albums once she was settled in Paris .

after several years of absence Souad made another warm and thoughtful comeback by launching her album

signed ELMUTAKALIMUN - Masters of the word that was described as being a mix of all world musical notes ,something like Algerian folk-rock mixed with African music , bossa and some

traditional Algerian musicality . with her soft voice , she answers all these islamophobia people

using strong and thoughtful lyrics , just listen this irresistible and rich art work made by this soft diva


to Listen to The full Album  master of the words    Souad Massi New Album 2015




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