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jannat remix 16 ayza aarab

As promised , Jannat came back again on scene with a stunning album that hits the top in few days
thanks to her special and warm voice, she reached her fans hearts  thanks to a set of different styles
but, we may notice however, something that we qualifed by poor musical arrangement in her lovely
song 3ayza 2arab it seems that the instruments were more computer arrangement than real stuff
thats why , Arabiental Dj Ima decided to give it another chance to pop up in the hit lists by making
an explosive remix of that song that you can't miss it ! discover DJ IMA JANNAT REMIX 2016

jannat remix16



Listen to Jannat full new Album- Benafs El Kalam here_ استمع الى البوم جنات بنفس الكلام

jannat benafs.el.kalam resized




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